Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ok, I take it back

Mandel is worse. He has a blog with comment moderation turned on. Go TEAM CORPORATE!

Way to make it look like all the opinions on the crap that spouts forth from your keyboard are evenly and fairly represented there Stewie!

I feel as if I'm watching Fox News.

Perhaps I shouldn't be too hard on old Stewie, after all he looks like a balding chipmunk puffed up from a failing liver, and he does work for the same people that present us with the gem that is this blog.

Is it me or does she look like a space alien...and not just any space alien, but one that should be on E!'s "When Plastic Surgeries Go Wrong".

(I can't believe she can get close enough to the keyboard to type)

1 comment:

Pearle In Michigan said...

Can I be put on notice?